Meaning Payout Requirement
What does Payout Requirement mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Payout Requirement. You can also add a definition of Payout Requirement yourself


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Payout Requirement

Private foundations are required by law to pay out at least five percent of the fair market value of their assets each year in grants and administrative expenses.


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Payout Requirement

The minimum amount that private foundations are required to expend for charitable purposes (including grants and, with certain limits, the administrative cost of making grants). In general, a private foundation must meet or exceed an annual payout requirement of 5 percent of the average market value of its total assets.
Source: (offline)


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Payout Requirement

The minimum amount that a private foundation is required to expend for charitable purposes (includes grants and necessary and reasonable administrative expenses). In general, a private foundation must [..]

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